Opening by Victor Cadena, Vice President of MEXCHAM
National Anthem of China and Mexico
Opening remarks by Liu Qiao, Dean of Guanghua School of Management
Qiao Liu
Appointment of new Honorary Advisors
Speech of the Vice President of International Economic Cooperation Center of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Wu Baocai
Baocai Wu
Presentation of the book: “Chinese and Mexichan SMEs” by Mr. Anibal Zottele
Aníbal Zottele
Presentation of translation of the book “The art of the War” by Sun Lizhong.
Release of key findings report the Annual Business Survey between Mexico and China 2017 by Fernando Damian.

Fernando Damian
Speech by Olivia, Co-Founder and COO of Eventbank and delivery of Asia Pacific Chamber of Commerce Award.
Olivia Jingshu Ji
Speech by Meng Zhaolai, VIce President of Marketing and sales of China Southern Airlines.
Speech by Lu Ming, Vice President of CCPIT Academy
Ming Lu
Speech by Fernando Lugris, Uruguay Ambassador to China announcing the 10th China Latin America and Caribbean Business Summit to be hold in Uruguay.
Special awards to citizens that foster and promote the activitites between Mexico-China-Latinamerica
Speech by Mr. José Luis Bernal, Ambassador to Mexico in China
Speech by Dr Efren Calvo, Executive President at MEXCHAM
Efrén Calvo
Assembly Closure
Cocktail and Networking